2021 may be the driest year for Ashgabat in 130 years

As of December 27, only 61.1 mm of precipitation fell in Ashgabat for the entire 2021. This means that the year may become the driest in the entire 130-year history of meteorological observations in the Turkmen capital, Meteozhurnal reports .

Previously, the driest was 2006, when 86 mm of precipitation fell in Ashgabat, followed by 2008 with 91 mm.

Apart from Ashgabat, the drought of 2021 became the most severe in a number of districts of Ahal and Mary velayats. For example, in the Sarakhsky etrap on December 27, 50.5 mm of precipitation fell. Previously, 2000 was considered the driest year for the region, when 76 mm of precipitation fell here.

For the Bayramaly etrap, 2021 seems to be the second driest year. At the moment, only 38.7 mm of precipitation has fallen here. Dryer 36 mm was only in 1917, when 36 mm fell out.

Perhaps, the record for aridity in 2021 will also be for Serhetabat, where 92.8 mm of precipitation has fallen so far. The previous record is 106 mm. Here, however, rains are expected on December 31, so it is too early to talk about a new record.

In the summer of this year, due to extreme drought and lack of drinking water, the water supply to apartments in Ashgabat was regularly cut off. The drought also became the reason for the poor wheat harvest in the countries of Central Asia. This, however, did not prevent the authorities of Turkmenistan from announcing the fulfillment of plans to collect grain.

Source: Chronicles of Turkmenistan
