Assistant to Azerbaijani President clarifies issues regarding Russia’s food deliveries to Armenians in Karabakh

Assistant to the President of Azerbaijan - Head of the Foreign Policy Department of the Presidential Administration Hikmet Hajiyev has clarified the current situation in Karabakh, Trend reports.

"In response to many inquires from international journalists, including Reuters, Politico and BBC would like to make the following clear:

Tomorrow Russia initiated food cargo by Russian Red Cross will go along Agdam-Askaran road towards Khankandi in coordination with Azerbaijani Red Crescent. It is a separate deal and shouldn't be confused with the suggestion on simultaneous opening of Agdam- Khankandi and Lachin- Khankandi roads for ICRC delivery. Thus, on September 1st Azerbaijan expressed its consent as good willing jesture to ensure simultaneous opening of Agdam-Khankandi and Lachin- Khankandi roads. But illegal regime refused.

However, in Lachin check point Azerbaijani' s customs and border control rejime must be observed.

Sham and fabricated elections or I would rather call selection is serious setback and counter productive. Illegal puppet regime must be dissolved and disarmed. It is the only way to ensure lasting peace where Armenian and Azerbaijani residents of Karabakh can live and co exist," he wrote on his page on X (Twitter).

The Azerbaijani Red Crescent Society organized the delivery of food on August 29 to meet the needs of people of Armenian origin living in the Karabakh Economic Region of Azerbaijan.

A food convoy sent from Baku has been waiting for 12 days on the Aghdam-Khankendi road. Two trucks with 40 tons of flour are waiting in front of the Russian peacekeepers' post on the Aghdam-Khankendi road.

Employees and volunteers of the Azerbaijani Red Crescent Society spend the night in tents set up on the territory.

Source: TREND News Agency