Azerbaijan nominates new staff to Rabitabank’s Supervisory Board

BAKU: Rashad Abbasov and Zaur Bakhshaliyev were appointed members of the Supervisory Board by the decision of the general meeting of shareholders of Rabitabank OJSC, Trend reports. Rashad Abbasov worked in various positions in Rabitabank's internal audit department from 2004 through 2012. In 2012, he was appointed director of the internal audit department. He has been the chairman of the audit committee at Rabitabank since 2018. Abbasov graduated with a bachelor's and master's degree from the Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management at the Azerbaijan State Oil Academy. He also received a degree in Finance and Credit from the Azerbaijan State Economic University. Bakhshaliyev has more than 15 years of experience in the field of internal audit. He started his professional career as an audit assistant at Bank of Azerbaijan OJSC and then rose through the ranks to the position of Head of the Audit Department at Garant Holding LLC and Agrarian Procurement and Supply OJSC. He worked as Chief Auditor and H ead of the Division of Rabitabank's Internal Audit Department from 2015 through 2017. He served in various management positions at the Agency for Sustainable and Operational Social Security (DOST Agency) from 2019 through 2024. Currently, he works as the Head of Internal Audit Service of "ADY Express" LLC, a subordinate structure of Azerbaijan Railways CJSC. Bakhshaliyev has also been working as an independent member of Rabitabank's Audit Committee since February 2024. In addition, Abbasov and Bakhshaliyev will also serve as members of Rabitabank's Corporate Governance and Risk Management Committees. Rabitabank OJSC serves customers in 16 regions and Baku city with 28 service points, 74 ATMs, the Rabita Mobile application, the Internet banking platform, the chatbot RabitaBot, and call center 133. Source: Trend News Agency
