Azercell awarded international certificate for quality management

_: Azercell has successfully completed the certification audit for compliance with international standards in the field of Customer Services. As the next indicator of the high level of service provided to subscribers, the country's leading operator has been awarded the international ISO 10004:2018 certificate for quality management. The evaluation was carried out by 'TÜV Austria Azerbaijan' LLC in accordance with TÜV AUSTRIA TURK audit and certification procedures. The certificate has been issued for 3 years. It should be noted that ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies. To date, the Federation has developed thousands of standards related to products, services and positive experiences in the fields of management, technology and business. ISO 10004:2018 is the standard for Quality Management/Monitoring and Measuring Customer Satisfaction. Azercell, remaining committed to its strategic goal of "Easing connectivity, empowering lives!" throug h technological solutions, aims to provide its subscribers with the best customer experience through various service channels and self-service applications. Source: Azerbaijan State News Agency
