Eleven teams represented by students from SOCAR's Baku Higher Oil School (BHOS) have advanced to the final stage of "TEKNOFEST-2024." The event will be held from September 5-8 in Antalya, Trkiye. BHOS will represent Azerbaijan with the largest number of teams at the festival. BHOS will compete in six categories: In the "Agrarian Technologies" category: 1. "Green Karabakh BHOS" 2. "Aquaharvest" 3. "Suni Ekinchi BHOS" In the "Energy and Environmental Technologies" category: 1. "Flame Seekers BHOS" 2. "Union BHOS" 3. "Shindan BHOS" In the "Smart Transport" category: 1. "Turan BHOS" 2. "Khazri BHOS" In the "Tourism Technologies" category: 1. "Khankendi BHOS" In the "Technologies for the Benefit of Mankind" category: 1. "Darbandgala BHOS" In the "HackMaster" category: 1. "BHOSWARE" The scientific leaders of the teams are Gahraman Malikov, Head of the Laboratory of the Oil and Gas Engineering Department; Leyla Muradkhanli, Associate Professor of the Information Technology Department; Ilkin Balaz adeh, Senior Lecturer; Nihat Alili and Aytaj Abdullayeva, Industrial Training Masters of the department; Senior Engineers of the Innovation and Research Center, Emiliya Ahmadova and Elmar Asgarzadeh; Natavan Samadova, Senior Lecturer of the Chemical Engineering Department; and Javidan Aliyev, a 2023 graduate of the Chemical Engineering Department. Source: Azerbaijan State News Agency