China’s State Grid remains the most expensive brand among the world’s generating companies

Over the sixth year in a row, the Chinese State Grid remains the most expensive brand among the world's electric power companies by a huge margin from competitors, Brand Finance reports. Its value over the past year increased by 2.2% to $58.85 billion. This is more than the total cost of the next eight brands from the rating. The second ranks the Italian Enel, whose brand fell by 13.5% (to $ 11.73 billion), the third and fourth places - French EDF (-3.9%, to $ 11.7 billion) and Engie (+12.8%, to $9.41 billion). The German E.ON rose to the fifth position from the sixth last year, the brand of which added 12.7% in price (up to $ 6 billion). China's GD Power Development broke into the sixth place from the twentieth (+83%, up to $4.38 billion). The seventh and eighth places are occupied, as in 2022, by French Veolia (unchanged, $4.33 billion) and Spanish Iberdrola (-1.1%, up to $4.2 billion). Germany's EnBW soared to the ninth position from the 28th (an increase of almost twice, to $4.05 billion), while South Korea's Korea Electric Power (SPB: KEP) (KEPCO) fell to the tenth line from the fifth (-37.8%, to $3.72 billion). Meanwhile, the value of the German RWE brand has grown most significantly over the year, almost 2.2 times (by 116%) - up to $2.3 billion, as a result of which the company took the 29th position in the rating. Among the companies from the USA, Duke Energy (SPB: DUK) occupies the highest position, which, nevertheless, this year fell to 14th place from ninth in 2022. The total cost of brands of companies from the top 50 has risen by 21% over the year, which is a very significant increase and is due to a significant rise in the price of energy resources, Brand Finance reports. The top 50 includes thirteen American brands, nine Chinese, as well as four French, German, and Spanish brands.

Source: Turan News Agency
