Agrarians of Dashoguz velayat consider selection work, selection of high-quality seed material, the most effective in the soil and climatic conditions of the region, to be one of the main factors in achieving high grain yields. Although today the basis of sowing material here is made up of domestic high-quality varieties of food wheat, such as “Sähraýy”, “Juwan”, “Berkarar”, “Garaşsyzlyk” and others, in order to increase grain yields, work is actively ongoing in the velayat to replenish the variety assortment, in including foreign novelties that can prove themselves well in local fields.
So, this year, the list of winter wheat varieties sown on local fields, on an experimental basis, will be replenished with the mid-season wheat variety Alekseevich and the medium-early, high-yielding, medium-growing wheat variety Bezostaya-100, which have a growing season acceptable for the north of our country. These varieties of Russian selection, along with several others, passed preliminary tests at the experimental site of the research and production testing center located in the Gubadag etrap of the Dashoguz velayat.
They were evaluated by local experts in terms of yield, drought resistance, resistance to shedding and various diseases of grain crops. According to experts, the Bezostaya 100 wheat variety is resistant to lodging and overstaying. It has a high yield, along with increased frost resistance, it is also drought-resistant and heat-resistant. According to the properties inherent in it, it is characterized by high flour-grinding qualities. The optimal period of its sowing coincides with the timing of the sowing campaign in the velayat.
As for the new elite high-yielding winter wheat variety with an average ripening time “Alekseevich”, it is frost-resistant and is able to sustainably maintain excellent taste. It is highly resistant to lodging and to various ailments characteristic of cereals.
Consistent work continues in the region to launch mass production of a new variety of wheat “Dovletli” bred by Dashoguz breeders, which according to the main indicators corresponds to the best varieties of bread zoned in the region, and the structural features of its ear provide better protection from birds.
Source: Turkmenistan: the Golden Age Online Newspaper