The satellite once again recorded methane leaks in Turkmenistan

At the end of August, the satellite detected two large methane leaks near gas fields and pipelines through which blue fuel is supplied to Russia and China, Bloomberg reports, citing Kayrros SAS.

On August 31, near the gas field and the Central Asia-Center pipeline, through which gas is supplied from Turkmenistan to Russia, a leak was recorded, from which about 172 tons of methane was released into the atmosphere per hour.

On the same day, the satellite discovered another source of emissions of 50 tons of methane per hour near the gas field, which is supplied to China.

How long methane emissions lasted is not specified. According to the newspaper, the emission of such volumes of gas per hour is equivalent to the emissions of 11 thousand cars in the UK during the year.

The state company Turkmengaz and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan did not answer calls about the leaks. The written request was also ignored by the Chinese company CNPC, which is involved in the development of the Galkynysh field, a source of gas exported by Turkmenistan to the PRC.

It is reported that Turkmenistan is one of the world leaders in greenhouse gas emissions in relation to generated energy. The situation is worse only in Libya and Venezuela.

Greenhouse gas leaks in Turkmenistan occur regularly.

In February 2021, the Canadian company GHGSat Inc. from the satellite discovered eight sources of methane emissions in Turkmenistan, from which 10 tons of gas per hour got into the atmosphere.

In November 2020, the same company found a gas leak at the Korpeje field.

Head of GHGSat Inc. said that the company does not have a direct connection with Turkmenistan, through which they could promptly inform the Turkmen side about leaks. Attempts to contact through the government of Canada also remained unsuccessful.

Methane is a greenhouse gas that has a significant impact on global warming.

At the same time, Turkmenistan adopted the National Climate Change Strategy, in which the country's government commits to take measures to reduce the negative impact on the climate.

On September 1 this year, the British Embassy in Turkmenistan donated more than 7,000 books in Turkmen and English on climate change to the country's schools.

Source: Chronicles of Turkmenistan
