Turkmenistan to send humanitarian aid to earthquake-hit Afghanistan

In the near future, Turkmenistan will provide humanitarian assistance to the population of Afghanistan. This was announced at a meeting on June 23 by the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan, Rashida Meredov , to the charge d'affaires of Afghanistan in Turkmenistan, Mohammad Fazel Saber .

“The head of the Turkmen Foreign Ministry stressed that Turkmenistan received with deep sorrow the news of the devastating earthquake in the Afghan provinces of Khost and Paktika and expressed sincere condolences and feelings of empathy to the people of this country,” writes the Turkmen Foreign Ministry.

A devastating earthquake of magnitude 6.1 occurred on the night of June 22 in the central region of Afghanistan. At least 1,000 people were killed and at least 1,500 more were injured. It is possible that these figures will grow, reports Interfax.

Turkmenistan regularly sends humanitarian aid to Afghanistan . During emergencies, she was also sent to the Astrakhan region , Iran and Turkey . In April, humanitarian aid was also sent to Ukraine .

As previously reported, at 8 am on June 20, an earthquake of magnitude 4.6 occurred in the south of the Balkan province of Turkmenistan.

The state news outlets of Turkmenistan do not report on natural disasters occurring in the country and their consequences. Just as they never help their own population.

Source: Chronicles of Turkmenistan