On Wednesday, April 19, the weather in Baku and Absheron will be mostly without precipitation, in the morning and in the late afternoon there is a chance of fog in some places, a moderate south-westerly wind will sometimes intensify in the afternoon. The air temperature will be +8 +12°, +13 +18° in the afternoon, up to +20° in places, the National Hydrometeorology Service reports. No precipitation is expected in the regions, but there is a chance of rain in some mountainous areas. The east wind will increase at times in some areas. The air temperature at night will be +6 +11 °, during the day +16 +21 °, in places up to +23 + 25°. In the mountains, 0 +5° is expected at night, +7 +12° in the daytime, up to + 16° in some places.
Source: Turan News Agency