Azerbaijan and Austria look into potential for joint industrial projects (PHOTO)

BAKU: Azerbaijan and Austria have discussed the possibilities of joint industrial project realization, Azerbaijani Economy Minister Mikayil Jabbarov said on X, Trend reports. "During the meeting with Andreas Reichhardt, Austria's Deputy Minister of Finance, and Gnter Grabher, the founder and CEO of 'Grabher Group GmbH," we exchanged views on the inclusive business climate in our country, potential avenues for cooperation, and opportunities for implementing joint industrial projects," the publication reads. To note, last year, during a meeting between representatives from the Economic Zones Development Agency of Azerbaijan and an Austrian delegation led by Gnter Grabher, the founder and CEO of 'Grabher Group GmbH," discussions were held regarding the potential establishment of a processing products enterprise within industrial zones. These products would utilize polypropylene produced by SOCAR Polymer LLC, a resident of Sumgayit Chemical Industrial Park. Source: Trend News Agency