Azerbaijan and Georgia hold the next political consultations

On June 19, 2023, the next political consultations between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Georgia were held in Tbilisi, Georgia, the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry told APA.

The delegations were led by Azerbaijan's Deputy Foreign Minister Khalaf Khalafov and Georgia's First Deputy Foreign Minister Lasha Darsalia.

First of all, the delegation came to the Heydar Aliyev Park in Tbilisi and visited the monument of the National Leader erected in the park, and laid wreaths and bunches of flowers in front of it. The delegation also visited the monument erected in memory of the people who died for the territorial integrity and independence of Georgia in Heroes' Square and laid flowers in front of it.

During the meeting, the current state of relations between the two countries was reviewed, and the opportunities for expanding cooperation in political, socio-economic, humanitarian and other areas of mutual interest were discussed. The importance of the activity of the Joint Intergovernmental Commission between Azerbaijan and Georgia in terms of the development of economic relations was noted. The importance of the contribution of Azerbaijan-Georgia cooperation to the region was emphasized. At the same time, the importance of the Azerbaijan-Türkiye-Georgia tripartite cooperation format and regional cooperation was noted.

Deputy Minister K. Khalafov briefed the other side on the new realities that have emerged in the region following the 44-day Patriotic War, as well as Azerbaijan's efforts and initiatives toward the achievement of the South Caucasus peace agenda. In this context, it was stated that the initiatives of the Georgian leadership and government are highly appreciated. He brought to the attention of the other side the restoration and construction works carried out in our liberated territories, the projects implemented in the direction of the return of the population to their homelands, the steps taken to reintegrate the Armenian population of Karabakh into Azerbaijan's legal, economic, and social environment, and the disruptive activities carried out by Armenia in relation to these steps.

The First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Georgia, Lasha Darsalia, touched on the importance of mutual cooperation between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan and Georgia, and highly appreciated the activities of the embassies of both countries.

During the meeting, the importance of strengthening friendly and neighborly relations of a strategic nature between Azerbaijan and Georgia was emphasized.

Source: Azeri-Press News Agency