Azerbaijan CEC registers Zahid Oruj and Razi Nurullayev’s candidacy for presidency

The Central Election Commission (CEC) of the Republic of Azerbaijan has registered the presidential candidacy of Zahid Oruj and Razi Nurullayev, APA reports. The relevant decision was made at the meeting of CEC held today. Thus, the number of registered candidates for the presidency has reached to 3. Earlier, Ilham Aliyev's presidential candidacy was registered at the meeting of CEC held on December 30, 2023. Recall that the candidacy of 17 people has been confirmed. The Central Election Commission approved the nomination of Ilham Aliyev for the presidency on December 19. On December 21, CEC approved the nomination of Zahid Oruj and Fuad Aliyev, the presidential candidate of the Great Order Party, Fazil Mustafa, the presidential candidate of the Great Azerbaijan Party, Elshad Musayev, the presidential candidate of the United Popular Front Party of Azerbaijan, Gudrat Hasanguliyev, and the presidential candidate of the National Front Party, Razi Nurullayev. MSK-nin 2023-c il dekabrin 26-da keçiril?n icl asinda is? namiz?dliyi öz t?r?find?n ir?li srl?n S?rvan K?rimov, M?tl?b Mt?llimli, Abutalib S?m?dov, Fikr?t Yusifov, Yusif Bagirzad?, Arzuman Abdulk?rimov, Yunus Oguz v? Qulamhseyn ?lib?ylinin namiz?dliyinin ir?li srlm?sinin t?sdiq olunmasi bar?d? m?s?l? s?sverm?y? çixarilaraq q?bul edilib. Dekabrin 30-da is? Namiz?d Heyd?r oglu S?f?rov namiz?dliyinin ir?li srlm?sini t?sdiq edib. Dekabrin 31-d? is? namiz?dliyi öz t?r?find?n ir?li srl?n ?v?z B?birxan oglu Temirxanin namiz?dliyinin ir?li srlm?si t?sdiql?nib. At the meeting of CEC held on December 26, 2023, the issue of confirming the nomination of Sarvan Karimov, Matlab Mutallimli, Abutalib Samadov, Fikrat Yusifov, Yusif Baghirzade, Arzuman Abdulkarimov, Yunus Oghuz and Gulamhuseyn Alibayli, whose candidacies were nominated by themselves, was put to vote and accepted. On December 30, the candidacy of Namizad Safarov Heydar was confirmed. On December 31, the candidacy of Avaz Tamirkhan Babirkhan, whose candidacy was nominated by himself, was confirmed. Note th at on February 7, 2024, extraordinary presidential elections will be held in Azerbaijan. Source: Azeri-Press News Agency