Azerbaijan installs several green energy-run charging points in Karabakh, Eastern Zangezur

BAKU: Six charging points run on green energy have been installed in Azerbaijan's Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur, a source in Azerishig OJSC told Trend. According to the source, the points are located in the digital control centers of the electrical network in Zangilan and Jabrayil, at the Khojaly and Shusha-1 substations, the Fuzuli digital substation, as well as the Hadrut hub substation. The source said that in accordance with the order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev on promotion of the use of electric vehicles, the OJSC continues to work in this direction. Ahead of the upcoming COP29 in the country, the necessary infrastructure of charging points is built in the capital and regions, which are provided with stable electricity, the source explained. Moreover, the source said that the provision of the points with green energy serves to protect the environment. Meanwhile, according to the source, the points installed by Azerishig OJSC with high power and fast, stable current c harge electric vehicles in a short time with high-quality electricity. The source also said that from March through May of this year, installation work was completed in Baku at the Training and Innovation Center of Azerishig OJSC, at the Icherisheher substation, at the Sea Breeze-1 substation with a capacity of 110/35 kV, located in Nardaran village of the Sabunchu district, on the territory of a trading enterprise located on the Gala-Mardakan highway. Besides, the charging points have been installed at the Hajialili substation with a capacity of 110/35/10 kV in Gabala and on the 71st kilometer of the Alat-Astara road in Salyan. The installation process for the charging points will be continued both in the capital and in the regions. The country where 2024 has been declared the 'Year of Solidarity for a Green World' is taking serious steps in the development of alternative energy sources. The installation of charging points in Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur, which will become a green energy zone in the fu ture, is a continuation of these projects. The use of alternative energy sources in areas and the daily increase in interest in electric vehicles will have a positive impact on the ecosystem of Azerbaijan, especially Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur. To note, this November, Azerbaijan will host COP29. This decision was made at the COP28 plenary meeting held in Dubai on December 11 last year. Baku will become the center of the world and will receive about 70-80,000 foreign guests. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change is an agreement signed at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in June 1992 to prevent dangerous human interference with the climate system. The COP-the Conference of the Parties-is the highest legislative body overseeing the implementation of the Framework Convention on Climate Change. There are 198 countries that are parties to the Convention. Unless the parties agree otherwise, the COP is held annually. The first COP event took place in March 1995 in Berlin, and its secretari at is located in Bonn. Source: Trend News Agency