Azerbaijan Security Service detains transnational criminal group (VIDEO)

Members of a transnational criminal group, engaged in making fake foreign documents, have been detained, the State Security Service of Azerbaijan (SSS) told Trend. "In recent years, the many actions of transnational organized crime groups have been exposed. The [mentioned] group, using the ongoing processes between the states of the region, illegally provided citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan and other countries with fake documents of Ukraine (to live in various countries as citizens of Ukraine, to receive asylum, to travel freely without a visa)," the statement of the service reads. "During the investigation, it was established that Ibadat Nuriev, who lived in Lviv (Ukraine), Farid Baghirov, who lived in Istanbul (Trkiye), and other persons illegally made passports, driver's licenses, and other identity cards, as well as various documents related to Ukraine and sold them for various sums (up to $30,000 for each document, in cash) starting from January 2023," said in the statement. "As a result of me asures taken by the State Security Service, the individuals were detained and brought under investigation in the Republic of Azerbaijan and charged with the illegal production, sale of fake documents and other criminal acts to use identity cards and other official documents authorizing and exempting them from holding a certain position," the service said. "Investigations have also uncovered persons operating fake documents in various countries. At present, active investigative and operational measures are being carried out on the mentioned and other related crimes," the service said in a statement. Source: TREND News Agency