Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry responds to countries and organisations speaking from pro-Armenian positions

It is unacceptable that a number of countries and international organisations, which for 30 years turned a blind eye to the occupation of Azerbaijani territories, now make biased statements against Azerbaijan.This is stated in a statement of the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry over the situation in the region. "These countries and international organisations have ignored the presence of Armenian armed forces on the territory of Azerbaijan and Armenia's blocking of communications over the past three years. We demand from the countries and international organisations, deceived by Armenia's manipulations and making biased statements, to respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, not to interfere in the internal affairs of our country and put an end to the policy of double standards," the document stresses. The statement recalls that for nearly 30 years Armenia has failed to fulfil the requirements of 4 UNSC Resolutions on the withdrawal of occupation troops from the territory of Azerbaijan, destroyed the cultural and historical heritage of the Azerbaijani people in these territories. Following the 44-day war in 2020, Azerbaijan took initiatives to sign a peace treaty, delimit the border and open communications. At the same time, the Azerbaijani authorities have taken steps towards dialogue with the Armenian residents, particularly on the construction of a road and small hydroelectric power plants in Lachin, the use and management of the Sarsang reservoir resources, and these contacts initially had positive results. Armenia, on the contrary, with its unjustified proposal of dialogue between Baku and Khankendi on ensuring the "rights and security" of Karabakh Armenians within the framework of some "international mechanisms" began to create obstacles to contacts between Baku and Armenian residents of the region. In fact, Armenia continued its territorial claims to Azerbaijan in another form. In violation of the provisions of the Tripartite Statement of 10 November 2020 on the cessation of military activities, Armenia continued to mine the territories of Azerbaijan and did not fully withdraw its troops from Azerbaijani lands. In order to control its borders and prevent unlawful actions by Armenia, Azerbaijan has established the Lachyn border crossing point on its sovereign territories. Despite the fact that Azerbaijan ensured the passage through it for Armenian residents, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the Russian peacekeeping contingent, the Armenian side began to disseminate false statements about the "tense humanitarian situation" in the region in order to continue its illegal activities in Azerbaijani territories. At the same time, on 15 June, Azerbaijani border guards were shelled, smuggling attempts began, and on 26 July Armenia sent a convoy of trucks into Azerbaijani territory without Baku's permission. Despite the fact that Azerbaijan offered to use the Agdam-Khankendi road and a number of other alternative routes to supply Karabakh Armenians, which was supported by the EU and the ICRC, the Armenian side blocked the route from the direction of Agdam with concrete barriers. The Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry also stressed the inadmissibility of radio-electronic interference by illegal armed groups in Azerbaijan to civil aviation flights. "The responsibility for all these provocations that have taken place in recent days falls on Armenia and its leadership, which continues its illegal military presence in Azerbaijan, encourages separatism and hinders reintegration efforts," the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry's statement emphasized. At the same time, the the Foreign Ministry states that Azerbaijan will ensure the rights of Armenian residents living in the Karabakh region on the basis of the country's Constitution and will resolutely suppress any steps against its sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Source: Turan News Agency