Former Albanian President Ilir Meta meets with staff of My Azerbaijan International Magazine

Ilir Meta, Former President of Albania, Honorary Member of the Editorial Board of My Azerbaijan International Magazine and laureate of the Friend of Azerbaijan Golden Order established by the international magazine, who was on a visit to Baku to participate in the 11th Global Baku Forum, met with the staff of My Azerbaijan International Magazine. The meeting took place at the Head Office of My Azerbaijan International Magazine. Having greeted the ex-President of Albania, Ilir Meta, the Editor-in-Chief of the international magazine, Corresponding Member of the International Academy of Sciences Emil Nasirli recalled with pleasure their meetings at past forums held in Baku and at the Presidential Residence in the capital of Albania, Tirana. During the conversation, Emil Nasirli provided information about the activities of the international magazine, and said that as the reputation of Azerbaijan grows, increasingly strengthening its position among the most rapidly developed countries of the planet due to the le vel of economic development, the international relations of My Azerbaijan International Magazine also strengthen. Emil Nasirli noted that in the current conditions of the formation of the information society in a globalized world, the media are faced with more important and broader issues: 'Coordination of the activities of the media in the information space covering a certain part of both the European and Asian continents contributes to the implementation of a number of useful activities with the aim of expanding the exchange of experience and helps our work in a common direction.' Editor-in-Chief Emil Nasirli noted that during his tenure as President of Albania, Mr. Ilir Meta gave a powerful impetus to the development of Albanian-Azerbaijani relations and created very favorable opportunities for future close cooperation. The editor-in-chief also emphasized that in 2017-2022 Ilir Meta was the President of Albania, in 1999-2002 Prime Minister, and in 2013-2017 Speaker of Parliament. He also served as Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for European and Foreign Affairs, and Minister for Economy, Trade and Energy. President Ilir Meta arrived on a business trip to Azerbaijan on June 16, 2022 to participate in the 11th Global Baku Forum. The political dialogue between the two countries has developed along an ascending line. The global Baku forums organized by the Nizami Ganjavi International Center in 2016-2019 were usually attended by the President of the Republic of Albania, as well as former presidents who actively participated in the activities of the Center. To date, 8 documents have been signed between Azerbaijan and Albania, including the Agreement on Economic, Industrial and Technological Cooperation between the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Government of the Republic of Albania. 'It should also be emphasized that Albania was a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council in 2022-2023. Energy cooperation between Albania and Azerbaijan is the main direction of economic relations. Azerbaijan and Albania successfully cooperated in the implementation of the Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP), which is the last segment of the Southern Gas Pipeline corridor." Senior Albanian officials participated in all meetings of the Southern Gas Corridor Advisory Council and contributed to the implementation of the project. Overall, the Intergovernmental Agreement for the TAP Project was signed between Albania, Italy and Greece in February 2013, and construction work began in March 2016. On December 31, 2020, the transportation of commercial gas through the TAP Pipeline began. Albanian contracting companies participated in the construction of the TAP Pipeline. In addition to using its transit capabilities within the framework of the TAP Project, the implementation of the project has significantly contributed to the increase in employment in Albania. Emil Nasirli also noted that relations with Albania, one of the first countries to recognize the state independence of Azerbaijan, will further develop in the near futur e and will contribute to peace, stability, democratic development and socio-economic growth in the region as a whole. Former President of Albania Ilir Meta highly appreciated the steps taken towards expanding international relations of My Azerbaijan International Magazine, and once again expressed satisfaction with being an Honorary Member of My Azerbaijan International Magazine since 2018, and was also awarded the Friend of Azerbaijan Golden Order, established by the magazine in the same year. Ilir Meta also emphasized that thanks to the successful diplomacy of President Ilham Aliyev, pursuing an independent foreign policy, Azerbaijan has become the most reliable partner of most countries in the South Caucasus region, adding that Azerbaijan's strategic partnership and sincere friendly and fraternal relations with many countries are not only diplomatic success, but also an indicator of the growing weight of the country in the region and on the world stage. Ilir Meta also reported that he is a member of the N izami Ganjavi International Center; the ex-president praised the annual Global Baku Forum and other high-level meetings organized by the Center as an important platform for current and former heads of state and government to share their experiences. Then, at the editorial office, ex-President of Albania Ilir Meta got acquainted with the photo stand reflecting the activities of My Azerbaijan International Magazine in recent years, and wished the staff of My Azerbaijan International Magazine new success in their activities. Then, according to tradition, ex-President of Albania Ilir Meta, being a guest of the Editorial Office of My Azerbaijan International Magazine in 2024, expressed his heartfelt gratitude in the magazine's Honorary Memorable Book and took a photo during a meeting with the staff of My Azerbaijan International Magazine. Source: Azerbaijan State News Agency