Heads of Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan and Türkiye signed a package of documents by the outcome of tripartite talks

Upon the completion of the meeting with full participation of delegations, the ceremony of signing of documents took place.

By the first tripartite summit, the Joint Statement of the First Summit of heads of states of Turkmenistan, Republic of Azerbaijan and Republic of Türkiye was adopted.

In presence of heads of states, the following documents were signed:

Agreement between the Government of Turkmenistan, Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Government of the Republic of Türkiye on trade and economic cooperation;

Framework Program for Cooperation in science, education and culture for 2023-2025 between the Government of Turkmenistan, Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Government of the Republic of Türkiye;

Memorandum of mutual understanding between the Government of Turkmenistan, Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Government of the Republic of Türkiye on establishment of the joint consultative commission for cooperation in customs affairs;

Memorandum of mutual understating between «Türkmengaz» State Concern, Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Ministry of Energy and Natures Resources of the Republic of Türkiye on further development of cooperation in energy;

Memorandum of mutual understanding between the Transport and Communications Agency under the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan, Ministry of Digital Development and Transport of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure of the Republic of Türkiye on further development of cooperation in transport.

Source: Turkmenistan: the Golden Age Online Newspaper