Kazakhstan, China temporarily close border checkpoints

ASTANA: Kazakhstan and China have agreed to temporarily close border checkpoints, Trend reports, citing the Border Service of the National Security Committee of Kazakhstan. "In accordance with the Agreement between the governments of Kazakhstan and China, on May 1, 7, and 9, 2024, the passage of persons, vehicles, and cargo at road checkpoints on the Kazakh-Chinese border will be temporarily suspended, with the exception of the Khorgos International Center for Cross-Border Cooperation and railway checkpoints," the Border Service said. In addition to this, on the Kazakh-Uzbek border, due to ongoing reconstruction, the Kaplanbek checkpoint is closed, and the movement of persons and vehicles at the Tazhen, Atameken, and Kazygurt checkpoints is limited. At the same time, checkpoints on the Russian, Kyrgyz, and Turkmen routes are operating as usual. Previously, the Ministry of Transport of Kazakhstan reached an agreement with China on the transition to the exchange and issuance of electronic foreign permit for ms for road cargo transportation. Meanwhile, on April 15, a joint order of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan came into force on the transfer to an electronic form of obtaining permits for the transportation of goods of the type "to/from third countries" for Kazakh carriers. As a result, this mechanism will allow carriers to simplify cargo transportation with Uzbekistan and eliminate speculation with places in the queue and the transfer of permit forms to third parties. Source: Trend News Agency