Kyrgyzstan, South Korean Starkoff Co. to exchange power charging station knowhow

BISHKEK: Kyrgyzstan's Ministry of Energy and the Starkoff South Korean company are set to engage in a knowledge-sharing initiative regarding electric vehicle charging stations, Trend reports In Seoul, the two entities reportedly agreed a plan to implement a previously negotiated memorandum of understanding (MoU) that included the exchange of expertise, as reported by the Kyrgyz ministry. The use of Starkoff-manufactured technologies and the sharing of knowledge on smart meter integration were also included in the MoU. Kyrgyzstan's Minister of Energy, Taalaibek Ibraev, has embarked on a visit to Seoul from May 7 to 11, upon the invitation of South Korea's Environment Minister Han Wha-jin and Minister of Trade, Industry, and Energy Ahn Duk-geun. Improvements to Kyrgyzstan's urban ecology, energy generation from waste recycling plants, investments in renewable and hydroelectric power, and the distribution of grant funding were some of the main points covered. Kyrgyzstan has also invited interested parties to an investment forum that it plans to host in Vienna from June 10 to 11. Source: Trend News Agency