Military Prosecutor’s Office to investigate cases against SCNS employees

The Military Prosecutor’s Office will conduct investigations into criminal cases initiated against employees of the State Committee for National Security of Kyrgyzstan (SCNS). Deputy Minister of Justice Almaz Zarylbek uulu said at a meeting of the Committee on Law and Order, Combating Crime and Corruption of the Parliament.

According to him, the bill does not curtail the powers of the prosecutor’s office.

«The Military Prosecutor’s Office has the right to conduct investigation in relation to people who have the status of servicemen. SCNS employees have such a status. Cases against employees of the internal affairs bodies will be investigated by the SCNS. If there is a special case, the prosecutor’s office can determine the body that will conduct the investigation, for example, if there are conflict of interest facts,» Almaz Zarylbek uulu said.

Source: News Agency