Minimum prices for cigarettes and sticks proposed to be increased in Kyrgyzstan

It is proposed to increase the minimum prices for tobacco products in Kyrgyzstan. The document was submitted for public discussion by the Ministry of Economy and Commerce.

The ministry believes it should be done to increase revenue for the republican budget, reduce consumption of tobacco and nicotine-containing products, and improve public health. Officials recalled that last year the Cabinet of Ministers has already increased the minimum prices for cigarettes with and without filter, as well as for products with heated tobacco (sticks, heated capsules with tobacco) from 2023. They were set at 100 soms.

«This reduced tobacco consumption and promoted public health. Therefore, the draft decree provides for an increase in the minimum retail price of cigarettes and products with heated tobacco, which will correspond to the actual price situation in the tobacco market,» background statement to the document says.

It is proposed to set the following minimum retail prices for cigarettes (with and without filter), classified by TN VED code 2402 per 20 pieces, as well as with heated tobacco, classified by TN VED code 2404:

From January 1, 2024 to June 30, 2024 inclusive — 107.5 soms;

From July 1, 2024 — 115 soms.

At the same time, it is proposed not to change the minimum prices for disposable electronic nicotine delivery systems with nicotine liquid in one case, classified by TN VED code 2404, electronic cigarettes and similar individual electric vaporizing devices (electronic nicotine delivery systems), classified by TN VED code 8543400000.

Source: News Agency