Situation in Rostov-on-Don remains difficult – Russian president

The situation in Rostov-on-Don is remaining difficult, Russian President Vladimir Putin said, Trend reports.

“Resolute actions have been taken to stabilize the situation in Rostov-on-Don. In fact, the work of civil and military authorities is blocked,” he said.

Putin noted that he will do everything to defend the country and protect the constitutional order.

“Those who organized and prepared a military rebellion, and who raised arms against their comrades, betrayed Russia and will answer for this, and I urge those, who are subjected to attempts of dragging into this crime, not to make a fatal, tragic, and irrecoverable mistake, to make the only right choice, and to stop participating in the criminal actions," the president added.

On June 23, 2023, the Investigation Department of Russia’s Federal Security Service initiated a criminal case against the founder of Wagner Private Military Company Yevgeny Prigozhin under Article 279 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation on the fact of organizing an armed rebellion.

Source: TREND News Agency