Situation with Islamophobia in France grows critical, international expert says

BAKU: Situation with Islamophobia in France is critical, international human rights expert Saul Takahashiwo said, Trend reports. He made a remark during panel discussions at the international scientific conference Embracing Diversity: Tackling Islamophobia in 2024. "Islamophobia is becoming increasingly prevalent in Western countries. France is one of the European countries where Islamophobia is on the rise. Some groups attempt to connect the catastrophic situation with Islamophobia in France to conformity with international law, but I believe that what the French government is doing involves numerous internal and foreign political considerations," the expert explained. "All governments should adhere to international human rights laws. Unfortunately, France and many Western countries don't uphold them," Takahashiwo added. To note, an international scientific conference Embracing Diversity: Tackling Islamophobia in 2024 dedicated to the 2nd anniversary of the International Day Against Islamophobia is being held in Baku under the joint organization of the International Center for Multiculturalism, the Center for the Analysis of International Relations, the G20 Interfaith Forum and the Baku Initiative Group. Source: Trend News Agency