Transportation of transit oil via BTC increased by 3% in 2023

In 2023, 39 753,2 tons of oil were transported in Azerbaijan via main oil pipelines, which is 5,2% more in annual comparison, the State Statistics Committee told APA-Economics. 75,9% of transportation was implemented via Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) oil pipeline and 30,191.6 tons of oil were transferred through this pipeline in 2023, which is 1.49% more in yearly comparison. During the reporting period, 82.6% or 24,950.9 tons of oil transported through the BTC pipeline was produced in Azerbaijan, and 17.4% or 5,240.7 tons of (2.7% increase) of it was the oil imported from Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan. Source: Azeri-Press News Agency