United States will isolate itself from the region – Azerbaijani MP

'The United States will isolate itself from the region,' said the Chairman of the Parliament's International Relations and Interparliamentary Relations Committee Samad Seyidov during the meeting of Azerbaijan's Milli Majlis held today, APA reports. Member of the Parliament noted that there is a war waged against on two fronts: 'One of the fronts is criminals who engage in direct aggression. We defeated them. On the second front, our future views are encroached upon: "The adoption of the Section 907 in 1992 is also like this. Unfortunately, the West did not want to see the truths of Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan, which was occupied, was subjected to pressure, while occupier Armenia was not subjected to any pressure. The red line for the U.S. was Azerbaijan's full control of its territory. An Act was adopted in the U.S. Senate named S-3000 because the actual act of protection of Armenia reflects imposing sanctions against Azerbaijan. Protecting Armenia means imposing sanctions on Azerbaijan. This, in actuality, mean s reintroducing double standards. This document adopted in the Senate must also be adopted in the House of Representatives, and lastly, Biden must approve this document. If Biden signs this document, Azerbaijan-U.S. relations will suffer a serious blow. This time, the blow will hit U.S. itself. This time, the U.S. will be left out of its role in Azerbaijan's energy security. In fact, the U.S. will isolate itself from the region after accepting this document." Source: Azeri-Press News Agency