Uzbekistan considering shift to rainwater usage amid water scarcity concerns

TASHKENT: The Ecological Party of Uzbekistan proposes to develop a program for the use of treated rainwater amid water scarcity in Central Asian countries, Trend reports. According to the Ecological Party, Uzbekistan needs to take measures to conserve water resources. As a result of global climate change, the area of glaciers in Central Asia alone has shrunk by about 30 percent over the past 50-60 years. At the same time, Uzbekistan ranked 25th among 164 countries in the ranking of countries suffering from "water stress." This means that Uzbekistan is among the countries with a high water deficit. Party representatives believe that rainwater, properly treated, can be effectively reused in various production processes. Experts estimate that through the use of rainwater, one person on average can save up to 71 liters of drinking water per day. Now, the average daily water consumption by one person in the country is 130 liters. If production and household processes, car washes, and other places where clean dr inking water is consumed switched to rainwater, a significant amount of clean drinking water would be saved throughout the country. Meanwhile, Emirati Metito Company aims to support Uzbekistan's efforts to secure sustainable, quality water for its citizens. The company focuses on developing impactful water reuse projects and decreasing water losses in pipeline networks. Source: Trend News Agency