We are concerned that Armenia still continuing to damage environment of Azerbaijan and neighboring countries, says Kenyan NGO chief

Baku: 'As we head towards COP29, which we will be held in Azerbaijan, we, as civil society organization, are concerned that the Armenian government and private industries are still continuing to damage the rivers, the flora and fauna in Azerbaijan and neighboring countries. The result is that the environment damaged and the rights of the people are being violated. They are entitled to clean the area and clean water. But this is not the case, as the mining industries pollute the rivers. And also the Armenian government and companies are not listening to the concerns that have been raised by the civil societies in the two countries,' said Executive Director of 'Wote' Youth Development Projects CBO in Kenya. 'Our appeal is that the United Nations should intervene or the Armenian government should follow the protocol that are required to make sure that the environmental impact assessment is done and the results are shared, and that they do not violate the livestock and human beings. As the meeting gets underway, one of the key issues that we feel is that apart from the fossil fuel is still the issue of other environmental issues that we need to address, particularly on the infringement of the rights of the people of Azerbaijan. This is not an issue that is coming up this moment, it has been raised several times by the civil society and the communities living around the mining areas. It is our belief that our cry and our appeal to the global body will be addressed as we prepare for the COP29 in Azerbaijan,' he noted. Source: Azerbaijan State News Agency