Azerbaijan, Latvia explore further development of interparliamentary relations

Baku: Speaker of Azerbaijan`s Milli Majlis Sahiba Gafarova has met with Ambassador of Latvia to the country Edgars Skuja. Describing Azerbaijan and Latvia as friendly and partner countries, Speaker Sahiba Gafarova emphasized the deep historical ties between the two countries. She highlighted that mutual contacts and high-level reciprocal visits contribute to the expansion of cooperation between the two states. Addressing the prospects for further development of interparliamentary ties and the activity of friendship groups, Speaker Sahiba Gafarova stressed the pivotal role of interparliamentary cooperation in developing bilateral relations. She underlined the importance of strengthening cooperation bilaterally and within international and regional parliamentary platforms, emphasizing the importance of parliamentary diplomacy. Sahiba Gafarova also shed light on the existence of double standards against Azerbaijan demonstrated by some international organizations, as well as the current regional situation. Am bassador Edgars Skuja commended Azerbaijan`s development processes and congratulated the country on hosting COP29. He reiterated Latvia's support for Azerbaijan`s territorial integrity, adding that his country attaches special importance to strategic partnership with Azerbaijan. The ambassador noted the growing economic relations between the two countries, including within business communities. The pair also exchanged views on other issues of mutual interest. Source: Azerbaijan State News Agency