Azerbaijani taekwondoists win 13 medals

BAKU: Young taekwondo athletes from Azerbaijan won 13 medals at the open tournament in the G-1 category, which was held in Latvia, Trend reports. Gold medals at the competition were won by Ilyas Khatamli (48 kg), Muhammad Hasanli (51 kg), Fuad Maharramli (55 kg) and Eljan Aliyev (78 kg). Nargiz Kyazimova (63 kg) and Yunis Guseinov (68 kg) lost in the final, winning silver medals. Other athletes, Nilufar Borji (49 kg), Sekhri Jalalova (55 kg), Fatima Hasanova (59 kg), Harun Salmanzade (51 kg), Ziya Hasanli (59 kg), Huseyn Khudiyev (73 kg) and Allahverdi Mamedov (+78 kg), won bronze medals. It should be noted that the team will return to Baku on September 16. Source: Trend News Agency