AZERTAC employee attending training on war journalism in Ankara

AZERTAC reporter, participant of the Patriotic War, Elmir Saftarov is attending the 25th Term War Journalism Training, kicked off in Ankara, with the participation of 25 journalists from eight different countries. Co-organized by Anadolu Agency (AA), Turkish Police Academy and the Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TIKA), the training aims to prepare correspondents for assignments during wars, natural disasters, extraordinary situations. In their opening remarks, the speakers highlighted journalists' active presence during wartime in various conflicts around the world. During the 12-days of training, the media representatives, including 10 employees from Anadolu Agency, and 15 journalists representing Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Georgia, Iraq and Kyrgyzstan, will join a total of 26 trainings covering the themes as journalism, personal safety, laws of war, first aid, use of advanced driving techniques, water survival strategies, protection against chemical and biological attac ks, emergency response, media management and other topics. Azerbaijan is represented in the training program by four media representatives. Source: Azerbaijan State News Agency