BHOS student takes part in ‘Seeds for the Future’ program of Huawei Azerbaijan

Elmir Hajizade, a fourth-year student specializing in 'Information Security' at Baku Higher Oil School of SOCAR (BHOS), took part in the 'Seeds for the Future' program of Huawei Azerbaijan. As one of the top 6 IT students in Azerbaijan, Elmir earned the right to participate in the event held in the city of Tashkent, Uzbekistan. The 'Lumio' team he led developed a mobile app project. The app provides psychological support to users through video calls integrated with artificial intelligence. The project was highly appreciated by mentors and the jury, and the Lumio team became the most popular team on social media after winning the 'Social Media Takeover' competition. The participants were trained in areas such as 5G, networking, hardware, cloud technology, etc. The training was conducted by senior specialists from Huawei. One of the most memorable moments of the program was the cultural exchange. By familiarizing representatives of other countries with the history, culture and national values of Azerbaijan, Elmir established excellent relations with them and created new social ties. After completion of the program, Elmir Hajizade met with General Director of Huawei Azerbaijan David Xu in Baku and informed him about the successes achieved during the implementation of the program. Source: Azerbaijan State News Agency