EEC proposes to create venture fund in Kyrgyzstan to support specialists

The Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC) proposed to create a venture fund in Kyrgyzstan to support specialists from Russia. Sergei Glazyev, a member of the Board for Integration and Macroeconomics of the EEC, voiced such a proposal on the sidelines of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.

According to him, such a fund would significantly improve the innovation climate in the republic and «would give a good incentive for the development of science and education.»

«I would suggest the Russian-Kyrgyz Development Fund (RKDF) to think about and create a venture fund so that expats who find themselves in Kyrgyzstan can implement their innovative developments, which for some reason, they could not implement in Russia,» he said.

The St. Petersburg International Economic Forum is the largest economic forum in Russia. This year it takes place from June 14 to June 17. The main theme of the business program is «Sovereign development is the basis of a just world. Let’s join forces for the sake of future generations.»

Source: News Agency