Elections -2023: strengthening of principles of democracy of Turkmen society

Today, in Turkmenistan elections of deputies of the Mejlis, members of the Khalk Maslakhaty as well as Gengeshes for velayats, etraps, and cities on a wide alternative basis continue.

The most worthy citizens, who enjoy respect and trust of their compatriots are nominated today for the national parliament, local executive bodies and self-governing bodies by electors. For one place of the deputy of the Mejlis, members of the Khalk Maslakhaty and Gengeshes several candidates were registered, thus like all previous elections, the present one is held on a wide alternative basis and principles of democracy and openness.

According to the data of the Central Commission for holding elections and referendums in Turkmenistan, at 7 in the morning all polling stations were opened simultaneously in the territories of electoral districts.

By 17.00 p.m. in the elections of members of deputies of the Mejlis 83, 88 % of the total number of electors, 84, 08% of members of the Khalk Maslakhaty for velayats, etraps and cities and 83, 79% of electors of the Gengeshes took part.

In polling stations abroad voting is also held.

As known, the present elections underwent a great preparatory work. In particular, 515 candidates were registered for velayat members, 12098 for members the Khalk Maslakhaty of members of the Gengeshes and 258 for contenders for deputies of the Mejlis nomination of whom were initiated by political parties and groups of citizens.

Present elections evoke an interest with many countries of the world. A great number of site session of the Central Elections Committee, where online broadcast from 240 polling stations goes on as well, also attests to the fact.

Both international and national observers carry out the monitoring of the electoral process.

Source: Turkmenistan State News Agency