EU Parliament re-exhibits its biased position towards Azerbaijan – parliament

BAKU: With the resolution adopted on March 13, the European Parliament has once again demonstrated its biased stance towards Azerbaijan, as the statement of the Azerbaijani Parliament says, Trend reports. According to the source, the statement refers to the European Parliament resolution "On closer ties between the European Union and Armenia and the need for a peace agreement between Azerbaijan and Armenia". ''Instead of dealing with the problems and challenges facing the people of European countries, the European Parliament has finally turned into a representative of the Armenian lobby and Azerbaijanophobic, Islamophobic, chauvinistic, and racist forces,'' the statement reads. The statement notes that over the years, we have repeatedly witnessed the persistent refusal of the European Parliament to recognize and support the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Azerbaijan. However, the current campaign against the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the country shows that the European Parliament ha s already openly moved to attack Azerbaijan. Proof of this is the open threats and demands against Azerbaijan contained in the resolution, the obvious support and attempts to "resurrect" separatism, the deliberate ignoring of Armenia's military provocations on the conditional border, the labeling of France's steps aimed at aggravating the situation in the South Caucasus as support for reforms in the army, and many other points. "Another preposterous phenomenon is that the European Parliament is trying to disguise this attack on Azerbaijan with words about "the need for a peace agreement." While negotiations on a peace agreement are underway between Azerbaijan and Armenia, this resolution, which completely contradicts the essence of the processes, can be characterized as a blow to the peace agreement. We declare to the European Parliament that there is absolutely no need for such'support' from its side and recommend that it focus its 'efforts' on other directions," the statement reads. Source: Trend News Ag ency