Ex-President Berdimuhamedov in Mary told students about the construction of power plants and the export of electricity

As part of a working trip to the Mary velayat, on September 3, Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty Milli Gengesha Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov visited the State Energy Institute of Turkmenistan, the state information agency TDH reports .

At the university, the ex-president delivered a speech, most of which concerned the development of the energy industry in Turkmenistan. He assured that "at present, Turkmenistan fully meets its needs for electrical energy and exports it."

As Berdimuhamedov said, the history of the development of the energy industry of Turkmenistan begins with the construction of the Hindu Kush hydroelectric power plant with a capacity of 1.2 megawatts on the Murghab River, which was "the most powerful power plant in most of the Eurasian continent." Moreover, there is no other power plant in the world that has almost 110 years of history and operates with equipment installed at that time .

Today, 12 power plants with a capacity of 6943.2 megawatts operate in Turkmenistan, where 51 turbine units are installed, of which 39 are gas turbines, 12 are steam turbines . incur large expenses associated with the repair of power equipment abroad.

As for the ring power system , which is currently under construction, it will be launched in 2023. “The intensive course of construction and installation work indicates that the construction of the facility will be completed on time,” the chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty assured.

Speaking about the export of electricity, the ex-president recalled that Afghanistan is the main country for receiving it. It is also exported to Iran, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan . “ This year it is planned to increase the volume of deliveries to 9 billion kilowatt-hours . This figure is 3.3 times higher than in 2013,” Berdimuhamedov Sr. said. How profitable the sale of electricity is, he did not specify.

It is also planned to build a solar-wind power plant with a capacity of 10 megawatts near Altyn Asyr Lake in 2019-2025, which will provide electricity to a modern village under construction in the region.

Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said that the institute has developed a project for the first hybrid solar-wind power plant in Turkmenistan, which will soon be built in the Serdar etrap of the Balkan velayat. Recall that it will be built at the expense of a loan from the Abu Dhabi Development Fund (UAE) in the amount of $25 million.

The ex-president also said that "the time has come to establish and introduce the production of solar panels that generate solar energy in the country."

Thus, proposals are already being prepared to transfer the operation of the gas turbine capacities of the Akhal, Derveza, Avaza, Dashoguz, Lebap state power plants to a combined cycle, to build a gas turbine power plant in the city of Seydi, as well as a power plant with a combined cycle of operation in the Oguzhan etrap of the Mary Velayat.

In addition, “ in 2028, it is planned to increase the total volume of electricity production in Turkmenistan to 37.5 billion kilowatt-hours and increase its volume by 22.5% compared to 2022.”

Also, by 2028, at the expense of significant investments , 1,412 km of power lines will be built in Akhal velayat, 347 km in Balkan velayat, 301 km in Dashoguz velayat, 474 km in Lebap velayat, 750 km in Mary velayat.

Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov assured that during the construction of industrial facilities, including energy ones, modern technologies are being introduced to reduce the amount of harmful emissions into the environment.

At the end of his speech, the ex-president recalled that the country had adopted the Law “On State Youth Policy” and concluded his speech with the words: “You are a happy youth who got the opportunity to work in the energy sector, which is especially important for our people and sectors of the national economy.”

Source: Chronicles of Turkmenistan