For lovers of classical music, the works of Berlioz, Debussy and Dvorak resonated

On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Turkmenistan and Georgia, at the initiative of the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Georgia to Turkmenistan, as well as with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the country, in the national music drama theater named after Magtymguly, the performance of the State Symphony Orchestra of Turkmenistan under the leadership of the Italian composer and conductor Claudio Wandelli from Georgia it was a classical music concert.

The concert opened with the "Fantastic Symphony" by French composer Hector Berlioz. The performance of the conductor and musicians was warmly welcomed by the audience.

Claude Debussy's "Rhapsody for the Premiere" was performed by Yusup Ovezov on the clarinet. It sounded loud and calm and quiet at the same time. Debussy is recognized as an impressionist in the music world, and Rhapsody for the Premiere is a clear example of this.

Antonin Dvorák's Symphony No. 9 in four movements evoked the unexpected feelings of moving from the Czech Republic, known for its medieval castles, tiled roofs and cobbled streets, to New York, a bustling metropolis built of glass and concrete. But awe and wonder quickly give way to a nostalgia for the homeland, and in fact, whatever Dvorak is talking about in his music, it's always clear and complete.

Maestro Claudio Wandelli is a famous Italian conductor and leader of the Pan-Caucasian Youth Orchestra. In addition to the highly successful concert, the purpose of his visit is to select young Turkmen musicians to participate in the annual Sinandali International Classical Music Festival. Last year, 5 of our musicians participated in this festival. Since 2023, he has been a permanent member of the youth symphony orchestra of the Sinandali Festival of Turkmenistan. Participation in it gives an opportunity to introduce the Turkmen classical music school to the whole world.

Claudio Wandelli thanked the audience for their warm welcome and noted the high skill of the musicians of the State Symphony Orchestra of Turkmenistan and the great talent of its artistic director Resul Glyzhov.

Source: Turkmenistan: the Golden Age Online Newspaper