ING updates inflation forecast for Azerbaijan for 2024

Niderlandin beyn?lxalq bank v? maliyy? xidm?tl?ri korporasiyasi ING (Internationale Nederlanden Groep) 2024-c il zr? Az?rbaycan çn inflyasiya proqnozunu yenil?yib. "APA-Economics" x?b?r verir ki, "ING Group"u 2024-c il çn Az?rbaycanda orta illik inflyasiya proqnozunu 1,1%-d?n 2,2%-? kimi artirib. Bu is? korporasiyanin iyul proqnozu il? mqayis?d? 1,1% b?ndi çoxdur. ING 2025-ci ild? inflyasiya proqnozunu 3,8 %-d?n 4,7%-? yks?ldib. ING-nin proqnozlara ?sas?n, 2024-c ilin çnc rbnd? Az?rbaycanda orta illik inflyasiya 3,2 %, dördnc rbnd? 4,5% s?viyy?sind? gözl?nilir. Qeyd ed?k ki, Iqtisadiyyat Nazirliyi 2024-c ild? ölk?d? illik inflyasiyanin 5,3 %, 2025-ci ild? 4,9 % olacagini proqnozlasdirib. Dövl?t Statistika Komit?si is? bu ilin yanvar-iyul aylari zr? inflyasiyanin 2,7% oldugunu açiqlayib. ING (Internationale Nederlanden Groep), the international banking and financial services corporation of the Netherlands, has updated its inflation forecast for Azerbaijan for 2024, APA-Economics reports. ING Group has in creased the average annual inflation forecast in Azerbaijan for 2024 from 1,1% to 1,5%. This is 0,4% more than the corporation's July forecast. ING increased its inflation forecast for 2025 from 3,8% to 4%. According to forecasts, the average annual inflation in Azerbaijan is expected to be at 1,9% (+0,7%) in the third quarter of 2024, and at 3,2% (+0,7%) in the fourth quarter. Note that the Ministry of Economy has predicted that the annual inflation in the country will be 5.3% in 2024 and 4.9% in 2025. The State Statistics Committee announced that inflation for January-July of this year was 0.7%. Source: Azeri-Press News Agency