International Women’s Day celebrations

On the occasion of International Women's Day, which is widely celebrated in the country, a festive ceremony called "Happy Women of Arkadag Serdar" was held in the conference hall of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

The words of pride expressed to our Fatherland and the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan formed the basis of the celebration dedicated to the women of the country. Women contribute to the spiritual and moral enrichment of our people, the prosperity of our country, the reforms initiated by the Turkmen leader, and they raise a worthy generation that is the future of the Motherland.

Heads and representatives of various ministries and agencies of the country, mass media took part in the celebration. Among the honored guests are mothers with many children, labor veterans, leaders of production and active members of public organizations, scientists, cultural workers, workers of various industries. Female employees of diplomatic missions in Turkmenistan and international bodies also took part in the event.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov sent a holiday message to the mothers and daughters-in-law of Independent, Permanently Neutral Turkmenistan: "We appreciate the service of our beloved mothers in raising national pride and high standards of humanity in our growing generations. While continuing our material and spiritual values and high humanistic traditions passed down from generation to generation, we are immensely proud of the sincere and effective work of our women in state, power and administration institutions, in various sectors of the economy, science, education, culture, and health care. ” will be called.

Heartfelt congratulations and best wishes were expressed today to the bride and groom on the occasion of International Women's Day. Words of deep gratitude were expressed for her mother's love, care, and spiritual generosity.

At this ceremony, a new song called "Congratulations to the Youth" was played, which inspires the youth of our country to achieve high goals. It is a creative gift dedicated to the lucky youth of our country.

Dedicated to the happiest moments of everyone's life, the new song has become an expression of a father's best wishes and blessing for the light path of life. A new, high-spirited song, which embodies the heart of parents, was performed by the famous artist of Turkmenistan, Dovett Amanlykov.

The spiritual and moral values, which the Turkmen people particularly appreciate, have been the main focus of the upbringing of young generations, who are considered the future of the country, the strengthening of family sanctity, and the preservation of moral values.

The wise principles of our glorious forefathers are duly continued and enriched during the Renaissance of the new age of stable state. Every day of our people who live in the present of a happy life is full of celebrations. Weddings are celebrated in state-owned houses. Weddings have become an integral part of Turkmen life, and all-round harmony of life is concentrated in them. It is a great happiness for every parent to launch their child on the path of life and get him married. This is statehood, the meaning of human life, the fulfillment of the most cherished dreams.

Arkadag Serdarly's song "Congratulations to the Youth" inspired by our hero Arkadag in the year of happy youth is a unique song of the way of life. Accordingly, this song deserves to be played loudly at the weddings of young people. Because it has the brightest feelings that unite the souls of all parents in one voice. Adding to the festive cheer, the new song was enthusiastically received by the participants.

In the speeches, including the speeches of the representatives of the diplomatic structures of the country, it was noted that the role of women in the Turkmen state and society is increasing. Particular attention was paid to Turkmenistan's policy towards women, the Constitution of the country and relevant legal documents of the national legislation, successful programs related to women's modern education and health, and their role in public life are a reliable guarantee of their rights. The women of Turkmenistan are proud of the state's constant concern for them, they express their infinite gratitude to our Comrade Serdar for the well-being of the family and the conditions created for raising young generations in our country.

Mothers are the pride of our nation, women are considered to be the pillar of the family hearth, a model of loyalty and are on equal footing with men. Daughters-in-law make a worthy contribution to peace and well-being with their cordial relationship. The good traditions of our illustrious forefathers are worthily continued today. In this, the comprehensive talent of mahram women plays an important role.

Women are the pride of our nation. Today, thanks to the comprehensive support of our state and society, they make a great contribution to the further prosperity of our country. Active participation of women and girls in important state and political affairs is one of the important conditions for the stable and healthy development of a fair and equal society. Women are a force that inspires humanity to do noble things, they make the world better by surrounding us with their concern and purity of heart.

Today, women show their professional skills in various fields and hold important positions in all sectors of the economy. They master new areas of work and are able to not only demonstrate their abilities, but also think in new ways. Turkmen women are well-represented in state power institutions - legislative, executive, judicial, and other sectors of the country's national economy, actively participate in foreign policy, and successfully conduct business.

Active creators of the new historical era, women play an important role in solving important issues of the regional and global agenda. Today's politically empowered, economically independent women are becoming a positive transformative force in society and are highly respected in all spheres. Turkmenistan develops effective relations with international organizations and promotes the achievement of high results in the further advancement of generally recognized standards in gender policy. The country's active participation in the first women's dialogue in the history of Central Asia is another manifestation of this. This unit was established in December 2020 with the support of the United Nations Development Program and the United Nations Regional Center for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia.

"Today, as an important condition for the sustainable development of our society, our state provides benefits to women, creates necessary conditions for their dignified life and creative work, and ensures gender equality on the basis of the law. Regular work is being carried out in the country in terms of ensuring their rights and interests, supporting the family, protecting motherhood and childhood. All of these increase the happiness of our women, "A country is only a country with its people!" A state is only a state with its people! is a clear proof that our principle is being successfully implemented. These words of the Turkmen leader are to create favorable conditions for the development of women's intelligence and life potential, to improve the legal system in protecting their rights, to protect the health of mothers and children,

Women who effectively balance their halal work with family responsibilities deserve universal respect and support. Motherhood and child rearing are considered sacred duties of women. Women who make a great contribution to the transformation of the fate of the Turkmen people, who strive to raise a worthy generation, are used at the state level. On the occasion of the holiday, hundreds of mothers with many children were awarded the honorary title "Mother's dowry" by the Decree of the President of Turkmenistan. This degree is primarily a symbol of respect for the services mothers have rendered to our society and state.

Also, a large group of mothers with many children were given the keys to new, modern apartments with high amenities. It has become a noble tradition to present monetary gifts to all women and brides of the country on behalf of the President of Turkmenistan. It was awarded to mothers in white clothes, brides and grooms working in industry, students and schoolgirls, and girls being raised in kindergartens. A warm attitude towards women is one of the noble characteristics of the Renaissance of the new age of the State.

Turkmen women, who are mothers, loyal spouses, pillars of the family hearth, preserve national moral and cultural values and pass them down from generation to generation. This has become a particularly important principle today. Women's spiritual, intellectual and moral qualities are considered important in solving life's problems. For many years, on the initiative of our Hero, tremendous work is being done to preserve and enrich the cultural and spiritual heritage of the people of Turkmenistan, which has made a worthy contribution to the development of universal values, and to spread it widely throughout the world.

Turkmen women are able to express our glorious history on a clear and comprehensive basis in our unparalleled arts such as national carpet weaving and embroidery. These are the principles that form the basis of the national creative school. These principles have been duly continued in the modern Turkmen culture and have received a new revival in their development. Perfecting and continuing the art of carpet weaving, master carpet weavers create patterns and paintings that have become the main decoration of national costumes and other works of art today. This popular form of applied art introduces Turkmenistan to the world.

The image of women is given special importance in poetry and it is widely expressed as a character that embodies the main direction of peace and spirituality. Since ancient times, poets, writers, musicians and artists have equated the beauty of women with the Moon and the Sun. They have captured the beautiful eyes of delicate brides. Thus, the works of art expressed the wonderful traditions of deep respect for mothers, affectionate relationship with sisters, daughters-in-law, and respect for female beauty.

...The festively decorated hall feels like a special occasion. Here the performances of famous pop artists and baksheys echoed in a loud voice, and they glorified the beauty, love, youth and generosity of the ancient Turkmen land of Turkmen women. During the ceremony, the cultural workers expressed their warm congratulations and best wishes to the mothers, dear women, sisters and girls.

The ceremony of the festive concert organized here was highlighted by the literary-musical composition "My Mother's Worship - My Homage to the Holy", based on the work of the National Leader of the Turkmen People, Chairman of the People's Council of Turkmenistan, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. The performance of the artists of the theaters of Ashgabat together with the dance groups added to the significance of the event. The literary performance was devoted to beauty, good relations, purity of heart, loyalty, pure love and tender feelings. This is a principle that is closely related to the ideals of women. The wonderful speech was echoed as a day of honoring our beloved women.

The patriotic song "Arkadagly Serdarym", which praises the great works of our time, the era of statehood, our independent country and our Comrade Serdar, has become a symbol of unwavering happiness for the Turkmen leader. At present, large-scale reforms aimed at the welfare of the people and the further prosperity of the Motherland are being implemented in Turkmenistan under the leadership of the President of the Republic of Turkmenistan.

A deep love for intimate women can be felt in the performances of Mukam violinist group. The band's musicians have performed great works of world music culture. The audience applauded for a long time to the Italian song "Mattino". Later, concerted performances of artists and young singers were dedicated to women, and these works became a clear symbol of respect for mothers and good wishes to them.

The program of the celebration reflected the connection between the past and the present. The songs dedicated to intimate women are skillfully performed. During the performances, national classical music works, popular pop and folk songs were sung, all of them were dedicated to women, and in the performances, women's happiness, their loyalty, motherly love, patience, and the beauty of the beloved land, which is especially beautiful in the spring months, were praised. The combination of all the performances with videos added to the appeal of the concert.

The passionate performances, which differed in their effectiveness, opened up pleasant moments for the audience. Loud applause, combined with festive greetings, became a wonderful example of female beauty that inspired poets, composers and singers.

"Happy women, happy endings!" The song was the closing performance of the concert. All the participants of the concert joined this performance. It has become a celebration of unity, solidarity and mutual affection.

On these days, musical performances on the occasion of the holiday were held in all regions of the country, including in the concert halls of Ashgabat and provinces. Joy, creative feelings, principles of new life, great initiatives that strengthen people's confidence, strength, and hopes were reflected in the beautiful festive performances dedicated to the spring season and the intimate women who are in harmony with the spirit of the Revival of the new epoch of the stable state.

Source: Turkmenistan: the Golden Age Online Newspaper