Kazakhstan plans to increase the share of RES in the energy balance to 15%

By 2030, Kazakhstan plans to increase the share of renewable energy sources in its energy balance to 15%, Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Alikhan Smailov stated at the 12th meeting of the Kazakhstan-EU dialogue platform. In his speech, the head of government noted that the expansion of partnership with the European Union is one of the priorities of Kazakhstan. In particular, promising areas here are the "green" transition and the strengthening of transport connectivity. The Prime Minister stressed that the environmental agenda occupies one of the key places in the issues of sustainable development of the economy of Kazakhstan. He added that a landmark event in this direction was the Memorandum of Understanding signed last year in the field of value chains of sustainable raw materials, batteries, and "green" hydrogen. At the same time, the partnership in this area is already supported by concrete steps: on June 21, a large project of 'Svevind' company for the production of "green" hydrogen in the Mangystau region was launched. According to the results of the first quarter of this year, the installed capacity of renewable energy sources in Kazakhstan amounted to 2500 MW, immediately 22.3% more than a year earlier. The main part of the installed capacity came from solar power plants: 45.5% or 1100 MW. Another 43.9% of all RES of the Republic of Kazakhstan were occupied by wind power plants. Electricity generation by renewable energy facilities in the first quarter of 2023 amounted to 1.5 billion kWh, which is 58.5% more than a year earlier. At the same time, 1 billion kWh of electricity was generated by wind power plants. The share of electricity generated by RES in the total volume of electricity production in the Republic of Kazakhstan amounted to 4.8%, against 3% a year earlier

Source: Turan News Agency