Ministry of Science and Education continues to work on distance learning for students

The Ministry of Science and Education continues to spend millions of manats to fund distance learning in schools, introduced in spring 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic. However, it is known that this temporary step was cancelled back in the 2021/2022 school year. The Education Informati?ation Directorate under this Ministry signed a contract on July 7 with "BTH" Ltd. company to lay fibre-optic cables to secondary schools to connect them to high-speed Internet. For the second time, the contract, worth AZN 2,996,800 ($1,762,000), was awarded to a company whose qualifications are not publicly known. The first such contract between the parties, worth AZN 3,994,400 ($2,350,000), was signed last September. According to the Unified State Electronic Procurement Portal, "BTH" Ltd. was selected through a request for proposals method, just like the previous time. The works are to be performed within 4 months. The Ministry of Education does not inform about the scope of this contract: it is not known where and in which schools distance learning will be applied. In 2021, a similar contract worth AZN 5 million was signed with "AzEduNet" Ltd. This company was tasked to provide access to fibre-optic Internet for 487 schools in 50 cities and regions. 435,000 schoolchildren and over 34,000 teachers were to get access to high-speed Internet. According to the State Tax Service, "BTH" Ltd. (INN: 1005179241) was established in 2018 and was originally called "Eko-M?hsul" Ltd. Its first director was Beyukaga Yunusali oglu Babayev. Now the company is managed by Azer Mammad oglu Mammadov

Source: Turan News Agency