Foreign currencies rates fixed by Central Bank

1 ABS dollari USD 1,7 1 Avro EUR 1,833 1 Avstraliya dollari AUD 1,1498 1 Argentina pesosu ARS 0,0069 1 Belarus rublu BYN 0,6734 1 Braziliya riali BRL 0,3495 1 B?? dirh?mi AED 0,4628 1 C?nubi Afrika randi ZAR 0,0918 100 C?nubi Korea vonu KRW 0,1337 1 Çe…

Türkiye opens new consulate in southwest Chinese city of Chengdu

Türkiye has opened a consulate in the Chinese city of Chengdu, the first Middle Eastern nation to do so, as it seeks to strengthen ties with China, APA reports citing South China Morning Post (SCMP).It is Türkiye ’s fourth diplomatic mission in mainla…

Saudi Arabia, Syria to resume economic cooperation – MEDIA

Syria and Saudi Arabia discussed cooperation in different fields, on the sidelines of their participation in Arab-Chinese Business Conference held in Riyadh, APA reports citing Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA)That came during a meeting between Chairman …