President Berdimuhamedov is concerned about the creation of new jobs

President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov attended to the employment of the country's residents. At a meeting of members of the Cabinet of Ministers on May 19, almost every Deputy Prime Minister reported on the work to create jobs in the area under his supervision.

According to the state information agency TDH , Deputy Prime Minister for Economic, Banking and International Financial Organizations Muhammetguly Mukhammedov reported on the commissioning of industrial enterprises, which will create vacancies. In 2022, according to Mukhammedov, it is planned to commission 52 large industrial and social facilities.

The Deputy Prime Minister also spoke about the work to stimulate entrepreneurs to create new manufacturing enterprises, companies in the service sector. In particular, "improvement of the system of state registration of institutions" is being carried out, and a tax reform is being prepared - the Tax Code will be amended "corresponding to the realities of the time."

Deputy Prime Minister Shahym Abdrakhmanov , who oversees the oil and gas industry, announced the creation of new enterprises in the fuel and energy complex and new jobs in this area. What exactly and how many enterprises are being created, the official did not specify.

Deputy Prime Minister Esenmyrat Orazgeldiyev , who is in charge of agriculture, also spoke about the creation of new enterprises and jobs. As an example, he cited the international higher school of horse breeding and the horse breeding research and production center under construction in the new capital of Akhal velayat, the opening of which (scheduled for 2022) will create additional employment opportunities.

In addition, another batch of multifunctional tractors, seeders and cultivators will be delivered to Turkmenistan, which will require drivers to drive.

Deputy Prime Minister Charymyrat Purchekov , who is responsible for construction, industry and energy, presented data on subordinate institutions and enterprises and the number of their employees to the head of state. TDH does not disclose this information.

The official also reported on the commissioning of new industrial enterprises, in particular, on the preparations for the opening of the Center for the repair and maintenance of power equipment in the Buzmeyinsky etrap of Ashgabat. The company's specialists have been trained in foreign countries, Purchekov said, according to whom, the creation of the Center will save time required for the restoration of power plant equipment, as well as train highly qualified domestic specialists.

The work to create additional jobs is going well and more jobs have been created this year than in the same period last year, the Deputy Prime Minister said, without citing specific statistics.

Vice Prime Minister for Trade Chary Gylyjov spoke about the opening of new textile enterprises in the Kaakhka and Babadaykhan etraps of the Akhal velayat, where new jobs have been created.

In addition, a line for the production of woolen yarn is being created in the Bayramala textile complex, and workshops for the production of wooden and insulating materials are being created at the Dashoguz cotton spinning factory.

As Gylydzhov said, there are also new vacancies at industrial enterprises created by the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan.

Deputy Prime Minister Myakhrijemal Mammedova , who oversees culture and the media, reported on the creation of new enterprises and jobs in cultural institutions, as well as on preparations for the Turkmen Theater Arts festival on May 21-25.

President Berdimuhamedov instructed Mammedova to create new productions dedicated to the achievements of Turkmenistan and Turkmen traditions and customs.

Deputy Prime Minister for Science and Education, Health and Sports Sapardurdy Toyliyev reported that in 2022 new educational, healthcare, sports, fitness and other social facilities will be put into operation, "which will create thousands of new jobs throughout the country ".

Director General of the Transport and Communications Agency under the Cabinet of Ministers Mammetkhan Chakiev said that the Türkmendemirýollary (Turkmen Railways) agency purchased diesel locomotives, the Türkmenawtoulaglary (Turkmenavtotransport) agency purchased cars and mini-buses, and the Türkmenhowaýollary (Turkmenistan Airlines) and Türkmendenizderýaýollary (Turkmen Sea and River Routes) plan to purchase new liners and build sea vessels. The Türkmenaragatnasyk (Turkmensvyaz) Agency is expanding communication lines, digital automatic telephone points, introducing new postal services, building residential buildings for its employees and an administrative building in the new capital of Akhal. In the velayats, passenger bus stations, auto racing sites and KAMAZ training and service centers are being built.

All this will create new employment opportunities, Chakiev said.

It should be noted that none of the reported officials provided (or the TDH did not indicate) specific figures on the created jobs or on the level of unemployment in the country.

Summing up the meeting, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov said that from January to April 2022, 1,662 new jobs have been created in the regions of Turkmenistan.

“Turkmen wisdom says: “Labor is a source of abundance.” Therefore, our main task is the effective development of investments in industries in order to create new industries, additional jobs in cities and villages and in the most remote corners of the country. It is necessary to create all conditions for people to work conscientiously and with enthusiasm,” the TDH quotes the head of state.

Unemployment is one of the main problems of the people of Turkmenistan.

Ombudsman Yazdursun Gurbannazarova partially reported on problems with employment in her annual report , noting that in 2021, 31,180 people were registered by the labor and social security authorities as looking for work, of which 15,196 (48%) were employed. However, data on the total number of unemployed throughout the country is not provided in the document.

The head of the human rights organization TIHR , Farid Tukhbatullin , notes that the problem of unemployment is usually solved not by creating new jobs, but by dismissing employees of state and budgetary institutions of retirement age, in whose place new employees are hired. In rural areas, statistics on the unemployed are underestimated, attributing family members of tenants to field workers. They also add those pardoned and released from prison, who are required by the president to be employed.

In order to get a job, a candidate usually has to pay a bribe to the head of the organization.

Source: Chronicles of Turkmenistan