Presidential candidates to receive free airtime, space for publications in mass media – Azerbaijan CEC

In order to carry out election campaigning by persons whose candidacies are registered for participation in the extraordinary presidential election, free airtime and space for publications in a number of mass media will be provided to them in Azerbaijan, Central Election Commission (CEC) of Azerbaijan told Trend. These are the following media entities: - Public Television and Radio Broadcasting Company; - "Azerbaijan" newspaper; - "Xalq qazeti" newspaper; - "Respublika" newspaper; - "Bakinskiy Rabochiy" (Baku Worker) newspaper. When the above-mentioned structures, including other TV and radio broadcasters and editorial offices of periodicals make a decision on the possibility of allocating paid airtime for pre-election promotion or space for publication, the relevant notification must be sent to the Central Election Commission of Azerbaijan, information on the basis, conditions and amount of payment for the provision of airtime and space must be published not later than 30 days after the official publ ication of the decision on the appointment of election. Source: Trend News Agency