State Security Service conducts an operation: a person planning acts of terror arrested in Azerbaijan

A person who had been planning acts of terror in Azerbaijan has been arrested, the State Security Service (SSS) has told AZERTAC. In the course of the investigation carried out by the State Security Service (SSS), a reasonable suspicion has been established that the citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Bahruz Alimammad oglu Asgarov (born in 1988), who lives in the city of Murmansk of the Russian Federation, entered into contact with other persons in order to undermine public safety in the country, sow panic among the population, exert influence on decision-making by state authorities and international organizations, prepare to commit acts of terror leading to people's deaths and other socially dangerous consequences. It has been established that Bahruz Asgarov involved people living in different regions of the country in a secret relationship and gave them instructions with the aim of organizing an attempt on the head of the Lankaran City Executive Authority. It has also been established that Bahruz Asg arov instructed people to carry out conspiracy plans against a foreign citizen working as an English teacher in the regions of Azerbaijan. As a result of comprehensive operational and investigative measures, Bahruz Asgarov was detained and brought to criminal responsibility under Articles 28 and 214.2.1 (preparation for terrorism) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan. By the decision of court, the preventive measure of arrest has been chosen in his regard. In addition, it has been established that Bahruz Asgarov planned to organize military training on the territory of a foreign state for persons he was in contact with, but as a result of the measures taken by the SSS he was unable to commit these criminal acts. At the moment, comprehensive operational and investigative measures are being continued with the aim of clarifying all the circumstances of the criminal case. Source: Azerbaijan State News Agency