TCOR completes construction of delayed coking and tar deasphalting units

At the Turkmenbashi complex of oil refineries (TCOR), the construction of delayed coking units (DCU) and tar deasphalting units (DAU) is being completed. Modern units are being built by the order of the TCOR by the US company Westport Trading Europe Limited.

The state-of-the-art DCU is designed to process 0.9 million tons of raw materials per year, and the DAU unit is designed to process 0.5 million tons. The launch of these facilities will mark a new breakthrough in deep oil refining.

The combined DCU-DAU unit will increase the processing depth of the plant from 86% to 92%. The rest of the tar processing at the DCU will be only five percent of the feedstock received for processing.

At the same time, petroleum coke, gasoline, household heating oil, heavy and light gas oil, and gas are produced at the output. Coke is a product in demand at home and abroad, used as a fuel and reagent in ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy for the production of steel, aluminum and their alloys, as well as in the manufacture of electrodes.

Under the project, among other grades of petroleum cokes, Dcu will produce high value-added needle coke. It is in great demand in the strategic sectors of the economy of developed countries. The tar deasphalting process unit (DAU) will produce the most valuable raw material for base lubricating motor oils and environmentally friendly high-octane gasolines. Asphalt and resins in the residue of tar processing will be used to produce road bitumen that meets modern road construction requirements.

The DAU block is an affordable source of import-substituting components that expand the product line of motor gasoline, hydrotreated diesel, heating oil and other petroleum products.

The creation of modern, high-tech and efficient production lines at the TCOR corresponds to the tasks of the State Program for the Development of the Oil and Gas Industry of Turkmenistan until 2030. The number of new industrial facilities of the TCOR is constantly increasing.

Source: Nebit-Gaz