The country will have rainy and cloudy weather

Cloudy and rainy weather is expected in Turkmenistan. The temperature during the week will be +5...+17 degrees.

The weather in Ashgabat will be changeable cloudy, the temperature will be +3...+5 during the day and -1...-3 degrees at night. Rain is forecast for the weekend. The weekend will be clear.

Ahal Velayat will also experience short-term rain. The air temperature will be +3...+8 degrees during the day and -4...+1 degrees at night. The weather is cooler during the holidays. The air temperature will be +16 degrees during the day and +10 degrees at night.

The weather in the Balkan region will be changeable and cloudy, the temperature will be +2...+7 degrees during the day and 0...-5 degrees at night. During the weekend, the temperature will be +15 degrees during the day and +9 degrees at night.

It will be cloudy in Mary province . The air temperature will be +5...+10 degrees during the day and -4...+1 degrees at night. Temperatures will begin to rise by mid-week. The weather will be +17 degrees during the day and +12 degrees at night.

The weather in Lebap Velayat will be cloudy and the temperature will be +3...+8 degrees during the day and 0...-5 degrees at night. During the holidays, the temperature will rise to +17...+6...+11 degrees during the day.

Dashoguz Velayat has changeable cloudy weather, the temperature will be -2...+3 during the day and -3...-8 degrees at night. At the end of the week, the weather will warm up to +12 degrees.

Source: Turkmenistan: the Golden Age Online Newspaper