The new capital of Akhal was named Arkadag

The new capital of the Akhal velayat of Turkmenistan will be called Arkadag (Arkadag is the official title of ex-president Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov - HT note). This became known on December 21, when President Serdar Berdimuhamedov held an offsite meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers in the new city, the state information agency TDH reports .

The construction of the city is inspected almost weekly by the father of the head of state, the head of the Halk Maslakhaty Milli Gengesh Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov . On December 3, he held a meeting with deputies and vice-premiers on the preparation of celebrations on the occasion of its opening.

Before the start of the meeting, Serdar Berdimuhamedov got acquainted with the schemes and sketches of the facilities under construction. The chairman of the State Committee for the Construction of the New Center Deryageldi Orazov reported to him .

The President was shown mock-ups of the flagpole, which will be installed on the main square of the center, the projects of the building of the Khyakimlik of the Akhal velayat, the Museum of History and Local Lore, the main park, the health square, the historical and cultural park, as well as bus stops.

A video was also shown on the ongoing construction work, the importance of the equipment being introduced, the digital system and the implementation of the smart city concept.

Then a meeting began, at which officials reported on the implementation of the instructions given to them on December 3 by the president's father.

The head of the Mejlis , Gulshat Mammedova , said that a decision had been made to name the new center of the region "the city of Arkadag, Akhal velayat."

At a meeting on December 3, Berdymukhammedov Sr. ordered that the status of the settlement be established and given its modern name. However, back in April, Serdar Berdimuhamedov suggested that the issue of the name of the capital be brought up for public discussion. On May 6, Radio Azatlyk, citing its own sources , reported that they plan to call the new city Arkadag.

In addition, the Karizek gengeshlik and the village named after Aba Annaev (the cousin of Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov) were abolished in connection with the annexation of their territories to the new city.

Names were also given to some objects, among which:

• Health and rehabilitation center named after Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov ;

• Monument of Arkadag - a monument of art in the central park (in the Decree of the Mejlis on renaming it is said that the monument was named after a prominent politician of the era, the great son of the Turkmen people Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov);

• International Academy of Horse Breeding named after Aba Annaev;

• Ahal Velayat Pedagogical Secondary Vocational School named after Berdimuhamed Annaev ;

• Akhal velayat medical secondary vocational school named after Sachly Dursunova;

• State Equestrian Circus named after Gyorogly, Akhal velayat;

• Akhal velayat library named after Dovletmammed Azadi;

• Aman Gulmammedov State Drama Theater of Akhal velayat;

• Akhal velayat specialized art school of Akhal velayat named after Sakha Dzhepbarov;

• Akhal Velayat Children's Art School named after Shukur Bakhshi.

The President signed a Decree on the establishment of an Interdepartmental Commission for the Acceptance of New Facilities.

Deputy Foreign Minister Vepa Khadzhiev said that events are being held with reputable media to widely highlight the successes in the social and economic spheres in the city of Arkadag . TDH does not report what progress has been made in the still unfinished settlement.

Minister of Education Gurbangul Atayeva said that the construction of 4 schools for 720 places each, 10 kindergartens, the International Academy of Horse Breeding, pedagogical and medical secondary vocational schools, as well as a 28-apartment residential building is being completed.

President of the Academy of Sciences Allaberdy Ashirov reported on the organization of scientific work in Arkadag . Thus, at the Engineering and Technology University named after Oguzhan, work is underway in the following areas: “smart system for remote examination of patients”, an automated control system for recreation centers, a “smart” traffic light, a “smart” greenhouse and a “ mobile robot for servicing in various places”.

In early December, during a regular inspection of the new capital Akhal, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov stated that the new city would be "smarter" than other "smart" cities.

Minister of Agriculture and Environmental Protection Allanur Altyev reported that it is planned to plant seedlings on an area of about 288 hectares in Arkadag.

Every house and institution in the city will be equipped with high-speed Internet, IP TV and a telephone system, and a set of 4G devices will be installed to provide cellular services, said the chairman of the Turkmensvyaz agency, Khadzhimyrat Hudaygulyev .

In addition, a 24-hour video surveillance system will be installed to ensure security around residential buildings, institutions, on streets and roads, as well as accounting for water and gas consumption; modern traffic lights, a Wi-Fi zone will be created in the central park, an electronic document management system will be introduced in institutions and enterprises.

Deputy Chairman of the Türkmenawtoulaglary Agency G. Charyev reported on the purchase and delivery of electric buses and electric vehicles to Turkmenistan.

The opening of the city will be a historic event in the life of the country, Minister of Culture Atageldi Shamyradov assured . For this, a working group was created, which included well-known directors, composers, artists and creative teams.

The President was also presented with the draft Concept of the opening ceremony of the center and the procedure for holding the event.

Khyakim of the city Shamuhammet Durdiliyev said that the total area of the city will be 1002 hectares. The first stage of construction includes 336 objects.

These are administrative buildings, a flagpole, the Akhal monument, a circus, a horse breeding center, Rukhyet Palace, a library, Bagt kösgi (registry office), a drama theater, a museum, a children's center, a health center, a cancer center, a mother and child health center, an ambulance center assistance, a higher educational institution of horse breeding, 4 schools, 4 secondary vocational schools, 10 kindergartens, a sports complex, a sports center and a stadium.

As part of the first stage, 258 two-, five-, seven- and nine-story residential buildings are also being built, as well as 19 shops, three Houses of Life, a hotel, a shopping and entertainment center and a recreation area.

In September this year, it was reported that the area of the city, where 70 thousand people will live, will be 950 hectares, and 384 objects will be built at the first stage.

After the reports of the vice-premiers, the president repeated the instructions given earlier by his father on supplying schools and kindergartens with staff, planting seedlings, organizing trade and a festive concert, and so on. Separately, Defense Minister Begench Gundogdyev was ordered to prepare for a military parade on the occasion of the opening of the city of Arkadag.

Source: Chronicles of Turkmenistan