The new logo “Made in Turkmenistan” should reflect the high level of stability and harmony in the country

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Turkmenistan (CCIE) has announced a competition for the development of the "Made in Turkmenistan" logo. The corresponding announcement was published in the June 8 issue of the Neutral Turkmenistan newspaper.

To participate in the competition, it is necessary to register an application with the applicant's data in the department for working with members of the chamber. Entries are accepted until July 1 of the current year.

The website of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry published the regulation of the competition, which states that the national brand (logo) "is designed to position Turkmenistan as a country with a rich history and culture that has retained its identity and has a high level of stability and harmony ."

The new logo, as conceived by the authors of the competition, should increase the image attractiveness and recognition of Turkmenistan in international markets, as well as promote the information promotion of unique Turkmen products, tourist facilities, and attract foreign investment.

In April 2022, Deputy Prime Minister for Trade Chary Gylydzhov, dismissed a few days ago , announced his intention to develop the Made in Turkmenistan brand.

According to Gylydzhov, competitive and high-quality Turkmen products are becoming more and more popular in the domestic and foreign markets, and the new logo will have a positive impact on increasing the prestige of Turkmenistan in the world market, expanding export potential and attracting investments.

Source: Chronicles of Turkmenistan