By 19:00, 91,12% of voters voted in the elections of deputies of Mejlis of Turkmenistan.
More precisely, 91,74% of voters voted in Ahal velayat, 91,49% in Balkan velayat, 90,94% in Dashoguz velayat, 91,17% in Lebap velayat, 90,87% in Mary velayat, 90,91% in Ashgabat city.
By 19:00, 91,10% of voters voted in the elections of members of the velayat, etrap, and city halk maslahats.
More precisely, 91,74% of voters voted in Ahal velayat, 91,49% in Balkan velayat, 90,94% in Dashoguz velayat, 91,17% in Lebap velayat, 90,87% in Mary velayat, 90,78% in Ashgabat city.
By 19:00, 91,20% of voters voted in the elections of members of gengeshes.
More precisely, 91,74% of voters voted in Ahal velayat, 91,71% in Balkan velayat, 90,85% in Dashoguz velayat, 91,32% in Lebap velayat, 90,94% in Mary velayat.
Source: Turkmenistan State News Agency